Search results for 'Pandion Partners Italia':

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Pandion Partners si occupa soprattutto di transazioni internazionali riguardanti aziende con fatturato compreso tra 10 e 100 milioni di Euro, un segmento di mercato nel quale è sempre più sentita l'esigenza di internazionalizzare l'attività o di riorganizzare l'assetto proprietario dell'impresa . scopri di più. servizi.

 home - pandion partners
Buy a business or sell your company? We can put together your winning M&A strategy. Wherever you are, we are just a short trip away. More about our M&A Strategy. Since 2015 we made more than 416 Deals with more than 6.7 billion Euros. Selling or buying a business. we are the Pandion Partners.

 pandion partners italia s.r.l. | linkedin
La tua strategia vincente nelle transazioni internazionali. | Pandion Partners Italia è una società specializzata nella consulenza per fusioni, acquisizioni, cessioni di aziende, joint venture e...

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 partner - pandion partners
Pandion Partners. History. Offices. Partners. Become a Pandion. Insights & News. Download Section. Contact. Home > Pandion Partners > Partners. I‘m experienced in the following Industry Sectors: Automotive. FMCG. Industrial & Manufacturing. Barcelona . . DAVID GRASA GRAELL. I am the director partner at AGG Lawyers & Advisors.

 pandion partners italia
Pandion Partners deals primarily with international transactions involving companies with sales turnover between 10 and 100 million Euros, a market segment in which the need to internationalise the business or reorganise the ownership structure of the company is increasingly felt.

 partners - pandion partners
I am a managing director of Pandion Partners Italia and a founding member of the Pandion Partners Group from November 2000. After receiving my BS ... read more Email: f.faina@ ... Since joining Pandion Partners in 2008, ... read more Email: Munich DR. THORSTEN MEIS ...

 francesco faina - pandion partners
Home > Pandion Partners > Partners. I‘m experienced in the following Industry Sectors: Food & Beverages. Industrial & Manufacturing. Milan . . FRANCESCO FAINA. I am a managing director of Pandion Partners Italia and a founding member of the Pandion Partners Group from November 2000.

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