Risultati per 'Development capital':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'Development capital':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 bgf explains: what is development capital? - bgf
Development capital is a form of business funding which helps established businesses to grow. It is typically provided by an investor in exchange for an equity stake in the business. Development capital can enable mature businesses to scale up, increase their revenues and build up their customer base.

 development capital - cristina crupi
Il development capital o expansion capital è l’investimento in capitale di rischio effettuato nelle fasi di sviluppo dell’impresa, realizzato attraverso un aumento di capitale e finalizzato ad espandere geograficamente e/o merceologicamente, un’attività già esistente.

 development finance: how it works, where it goes, why it’s needed
Development finance is the invisible glue that connects public and private financing for projects that have social, economic and environmental outcomes. These include improved infrastructure,...

Altri risultati:

 venture capital: cos'è, come funziona e quali sono i vc italiani
Il venture capital è una forma di finanziamento che viene fornito da investitori esterni alle startup e alle imprese in fase di espansione. Gli investitori, noti come venture capitalist (VC), cercano opportunità di investimento promettenti, offrendo capitale in cambio di una partecipazione azionaria nell’azienda.

 homepage - un capital development fund (uncdf)
The UN Capital Development Fund assists developing countries in the development of their economies by supplementing existing sources of capital assistance by means of grants, loans and guarantees, first and foremost for the least developed among the developing countries.

 development capital – catalysing investments to benefit poor people
Development capital is public investment made in the private sector to achieve development objectives. It is a tool used by DFID to catalyse investment that benefits poor people. Development...

 about us - bridgepoint
Connecting ideas and capital with great businesses. Bridgepoint focuses on investing in middle-market businesses via four distinct fund strategies: Middle Market, implemented via Bridgepoint’s flagship buyout fund, which focuses on investing in market-leading businesses typically valued between €250 million and €1 billion;

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